Project Description
NFT Moon Metaverse is a multi-blockchain Creat2Earn metaverse, whose main task is to create an immersive experience for any user: from phys.individuals before companies and entrepreneurs.
What can I do in the Metaverse:
Creating content (from text to progressive 3D assets and cities), gaining social experience with the help of an avatar, creating locations and businesses, participating and holding business events (conferences) and concerts, job search and new professions, organizing exhibitions, conducting training, entertainment, games, creating game mechanics with the help of a designer, creating financial mechanics and economics, receiving services from users and companies, buying/selling goods and services.
For companies: creation of exclusive locations and mechanics for business tasks, virtual offices, meeting rooms, training of employees and clients, locations for events, concerts and events at their own locations, exhibition halls with demonstrations of services and financial products, integration of fiat and crypto payments and many other solutions at the request of business.
Examples of activities:
-Create a branded showroom with products and invite guests. -Hold a corporate party or a party dedicated to the launch of a product or service.
To celebrate the anniversary. -Hold a concert of the star and invite guests. -Host talk shows and podcasts. -Demonstrate to the user the work of the office or department of the company. -Conduct a workshop, meeting, brainstorming, etc.
We are at the pre-alpha stage, the test interfaces of the metaverse, the 3D map, the test scene are ready. We are preparing to launch the alpha version. A virtual interactive space is also ready: and We already have monetization through the sale of virtual interactive locations to businesses.
Sold: land plots - more than 400, identity cards - more than 700, avatars - 99, Keys â 4095, token holders from the initial round - 5844 holders. We are preparing to hold a pre-sale / IDO and ILAO. During the year, we raised $400,000 through the sale of metaverse assets. The number of users in social networks is more than 130,000 people.
We received a grant from The SKALE Network (The N.O.D.E Foundation - USA).
Our partners are more than 30 projects, including:
GotBIT, ListingHelp, PureFi, Forward Protocol, Zamio, Oracula, despace, Matry Labs, ChillVille, Alium.Finance, Kephi Gallery, EYWA, The CultDAO, LikeVR, Crypton, Quasa, IDO Whitelist, SheersLand, TheCenter, Appfox, HolyKnight, CryptoBattles, Rev3al, CHEESUS, Ortcoin, ONTO Wallet, Polygon, XP Network, Envelope, SKALE, FRAC, Bitgert, Dapp Playstore
The blockchain team consists of strong developers, the VR/AR team are developers who have had experience in more than 120 VR/AR projects.
All materials and links of the NFT Moon Metaverse project (GitBook): Pitch Deck version 1: Pitch Deck version 2:
Presentations of a virtual interactive space for businesses:
Explanation of metaverse assets: The main asset of the metaverse is the Earth. In total, there are 10,000 plots in 6 categories. The plots are divisible depending on the category. This is done so that the owners of the first 10 plots are engaged in land emission. The higher the category of land, the more expensive it is and the greater its divisibility, more monetization options, more levels of access to constructors. And the constructor is the basis that makes it possible to fully implement Creat2Earn. The development of the metaverse begins with the first city, which is called Moonopolis. Since within the metaverse, it is the first city that will gain the most residents and visits. We have launched an ID card in 7 categories. Cost from 1.3 matic to 49059 Matic. Each category, as well as plots, gives levels of monetization and distribution of income from the city. To solve the management problem, we launch a DAO of Avatars. A total of 5000 avatars, who manage the metaverse development process, receive income, receive distribution from the sale of assets, income from the further sale of avatars.
There are 2 tokens in the metaverse and a unit of measurement for the weight of the content is a Moonbit:
-The NTM token is an external token. we spent the first round and part of the private session. IDO and listing are ahead. The token has functionality-applicability in the metaverse.
-The NTMi token, it cannot be bought on the exchange. It can be obtained by performing a useful action in the metaverse. For example: creating content, mechanics, games, business, events, concerts, communities, locations and territories for training, meeting rooms... etc. -A Moonbit is a unit of content measurement. Any content that you create in the metaverse has its own characteristics, such as volume, number of polygons and megabytes, number of transactions, occupied RAM memory and many other parameters. Depending on the quality of the content and its usefulness, you are awarded a Moonbit. Thanks to the Moonbit in conjunction with NTMi, you get an NTM token, which you can easily sell on exchanges, as well as use for stacking, farming with NFT and to generate income. The NTM token is the main unit with which you can make and withdraw funds to the NFT Moon Metaverse, as well as it is much cheaper to buy lands, Id cards, DAO avatars. You will also be able to receive income from DAO organizations in it. This is the basic unit of calculation. Therefore, the value of the token is high.
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