Project Description
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NFT Moon Metaverse is a futuristic multi-blockchain metaverse based on built-in constructors with which people master and build worlds, create buildings and cities, countries and economies, create businesses and games, virtual offices and concerts, sell virtual and physical goods, etc. Maximum creative freedom, thanks to built-in constructors. We are in the pre-alpha stage, the test interfaces of the metaverse, the 3D map, the test scene are ready. We are preparing to launch the alpha version. Recently sold: land plots - 400, id card - 700, avatars - 99, token holders with seed and private round - 5844 wallets. We are preparing to hold a Presale / IDO and ILAO . On average, each user buys 2 plots and 2 id cards. During the year, we raised $360,000 through the sale of metaverse assets. The number of users in social networks is more than 200,000 people. The blockchain team consists of strong developers, the VR/AR team is developers who have had experience in more than 120 VR/AR projects.