3.3 Target Markets for GTM
Target audience of the project:
Video gamers, entrepreneurs, executives, cryptocurrency enthusiasts, students, space travel enthusiasts and economists etc.
Practical possible application and monetization of the player's experience in the Metaverse:
• Developers and designers can create and sell/rent tokenized digital assets and avatars.
• Players can showcase their virtual experience and monetize it.
• Companies can create their stores or showrooms inside the NFT Moon Metaverse.
• Entrepreneurs can create and sell digital (or tangible) goods and offer services.
• Cryptocurrency enthusiasts can make money on the rise of the token price and the price of plots. • Artists can showcase all of their creations, from sculptures to 2D and 3D paintings.
• Fans can support their favourite artists and celebrities. They can also use the comfort of the Metaverse space for virtual communication with their favourite artists and influencers.
• NFT collectors can present their collection on virtual land or virtual showrooms and trade with each other. • Universities can create courses and organize events.
• Representatives of the space industry can create their space simulators, games, and other projects on the basis of the Metaverse.
• Other possible activities are limited only byyour imagination!
Last updated