3.4 Key goals and project roadmap
What's already been done.
•Smartcontract Polygon "Land Moon NFT" (September 2021).
•Smartcontract of the NTM token (NFT Мооп metaverse) оп the Ethereum blockchain (September 2021).
•Seed round - tokensale held (Oct 2021).
•Issue of NTM token smart contract (NET Moon Metaverse), crowdsale smart contract and token varnish smart contracts on the BSC network(December 2021).
•Privat Sale (December 2021-January 2022).
•Minting of the first 100 NFT MoonLand plots in the Polygon network (December 2021).
•Start of mining ID card of the first Moonopolis city in the metaverse (Feb 2022).
•Geпeration of Avatars for DAO. 5000 avatars (March 2022).
•Development of а visual concept of the Metaverse (tn progress).
•Demonstration of the first location of the Metaverse (March 2022). •Preparation for IDO (tn progress).
What will be implemented:
•Negotiations with funds and major partners (Q1 2022).
•Start of sales of minting avatars for DAO Moonopolis (Q2 2022).
•Sale of NFT Moon Land plots (Q1 2022).
•Pre-sale round of NTM + IDO token sale (March-April 2022).
•Listing for the Exchange of pancakes (April 2022).
•Launch of the platform for Farming and Stacking the NFT+ Token (1st quarter of 2022).
•Launch of the first designers for the metaverse (1st quarter of 2022).
•AIpha version of the Metaverse of the Moon NFT (2nd quarter of 2022).
•Launch of the NFT Marketplace for lands and game items (assets) (2пd quarter of 2022).
•Launch of third-party developers for the incentive fund, who will create new worlds, games, objects, motor skills, etc (Q4 2022).
•Beta version of the Metaverse of the Moon NFT (4th quarter of 2022).
Last updated